The Five Types of Human Teeth

The importance of teeth in our lives cannot be overlooked. From helping us chew our food to giving us that perfect smile, our teeth play an important role!
We delve into the types of teeth and their functions in this blog post!

Primary dentition:
Children have 20 teeth that are called milk teeth. These start erupting around 6 months of age and the entire set of milk teeth completely erupt by around 3 years.
These are the
1. Incisors: 8
2. Canines: 4
3. Molars: 8


The permanent teeth start erupting around 6 years of age and all permanent teeth finish erupting by 12-13 years of age, apart from the third molars or wisdom teeth which can erupt around 18-25 years.
The permanent teeth are 32 in number. These are:
1. Incisors: 8
2. Canines: 4
3. Premolars: 8
4. Molars: 12


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